作者: loserkobe (喪家犬科比) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Mike Miller的微妙作用
時間: Wed May 30 22:59:54 2012

The Subtle Impact of Mike Miller

Danny Martinez HEAT.com 0May 29 2012 4:42PM

With under a minute left in the third quarter in Game 6 against the Indiana
Pacers, the Miami HEAT find themselves up four and on defense. Mike Miller
steps into the lane at the last second on a Darren Collison drive and forces
a turnover. LeBron James leads the fastbreak, and hits Miller, who was
trailing the play, with a pass about three feet behind the three-point line
with 20 seconds left on the shot clock. Miller lets it fly.


When Mike Miller joined the HEAT in the summer of 2010, it was assumed he
would be the team’s resident sharpshooter. In his nine NBA seasons, Miller
had shot 40.5 percent from deep, the perfect complement for HEAT slashers.
However, for various reasons, Miller’s shooting last season wasn’t up to
his career norms. In the absence of lights-out shooting, Miller’s other
contributions started to show. His work on the glass and on the defensive end
provided the HEAT with a unique perimeter player who helped the team
significantly while on the floor.


This season, Miller’s impact has been even more pronounced. The HEAT
outscored opponents by 7.2 points per 100 possessions, the third best mark in
the league, but with Miller on the floor, the differential leaped to 11.8
points per 100 possessions, the highest mark of any HEAT player. The HEAT’s
offense alone is 5.7 points per 100 possessions better with Miller on the
floor. Some of this offensive boost can be attributed to the attention Miller
draws as a shooter, which opens up the floor for other HEAT players.


“Offensively, just make people be accountable for you,” Miller said, “As a
shooter, as long as you’re making them be accountable for you and having
them guard you, it makes the job easier for everyone else.”


Miller’s presence in the corner on a pick-and-roll or on the wing in a
simple post up puts defenders in a bind.


“They have to make the decision at that point. Do you go down there and try
to double LeBron? And if they do, it’s your job to make shots. Hopefully you
make them at a high enough percentage so they don’t want to try to leave you
as much,” Miller said.


Miller shot 45.3 percent on three-point shots this season, fourth best in the
NBA, a percentage high enough to make defenders not want to leave him. In
Games 4 and 6 of the Pacers series, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade went for 40
and 41 points respectively. On many of their forays to the basket, Miller’s
defender refused to help off of Miller, and the result was a layup. When the
defender did commit to helping and the ball was swung to the outside, Miller
buried the jumper. Miller continued his aggressive shooting in Game 1 of the
Eastern Conference Finals. He knocked down both of his three-point attempts
off of quick catch and shoot opportunities.


“Great shooters are the great equalizers because they help a lot of things
out of your offensive game that might not be immediately obvious,” Erik
Spoelstra said. “But spacing becomes better. The attention that player
becomes more heightened and it just opens up a lot of things for your
offensive game.”


Miller opens up easy baskets for other teammates with the space he creates,
but he also creates second chance opportunities for the HEAT offense.


Of all shooting guards, the position Miller played most frequently this
season, who played over 30 games and 10 minutes a game, Miller finished the
season with the third best total rebound percentage and the sixth best
offensive rebounding percentage. When Miller was on the floor during the
regular season, the HEAT grabbed 29.4 percent of available offensive
rebounds, a significant leap from their average of 26.6 percent.


The trend has continued in the playoffs with the HEAT securing 32.5 percent
of available offensive rebounds with Miller on the floor, and just 23.1
percent when he’s off the floor. Just like how his shooting draws extra
attention, Miller’s effort on the boards makes opponents adjust and react.

籃板球的努力爭奪也讓對手不得不做出 調整和應對。

“If I crash, maybe one of their bigs has to come over and hit me,” Miller
said, “and when he does that it opens up an opportunity for the other bigs
to get rebounds.”


Miller’s rebounding efforts create extra possessions for the HEAT and his
shooting presence allows the team to use possessions more efficiently. It’s
a deadly combination, which is reflected on the scoreboard.


Defensively, the HEAT didn’t suffer any drop off when Miller was on the
floor during the regular season. Miller’s length and intelligence provide
him with tools to be disruptive, and the HEAT’s system appears to be a real


“Just trying to cause havoc,” Miller said. “If it’s defensively, team
defense, this system really works for me as well.”


“He’s smart,” Spoelstra said. “Once he learned our system, he found out
where he can start to direct the ball to give him that added step that he
might not have physically.”


When looking at Miller’s points and rebounds per game numbers, it’s easy to
understate his impact on the HEAT as a whole. Miller gives other HEAT players
space to operate with his sharp-shooting, creates second chance opportunities
with his offensive rebounding and plays strong team defense. The HEAT’s own
Shane Battier was once dubbed the “No-Stats All-Star” and it looks like he
may have some company.


Statistical support for this article provided by NBA.com and Synergy Sports.

本文數據支持由NBA.com和Synergy Sports提供


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◆ From:
loserkobe:轉錄至看板 MiamiHeat 05/30 23:00
chiwalking :Miller真的很會搶籃板 05/30 23:03
NewTypeNeo :開玩笑 去年剩下的錢都拿來簽他了 05/30 23:04
moon963 :好用的球員 05/30 23:08
pounil :可惜受傷後狀況有時好 有時壞 05/30 23:08
majestymango:打球態度很積極 防守超拼的 XD 05/30 23:09
Non :當年被Lao-da一拐之後 就決心要拿冠軍 05/30 23:11
wii128 :作為一名投手 05/30 23:12
Martin0414 :推Miller 當年拐人的Lao-da現在已經準備去放暑假了 05/30 23:12
henry12 :投手 ... 05/30 23:12
d88647511 :也是丟鞋哥 05/30 23:12
unlimitedd :好用 05/30 23:13
wii128 :作為一名射手 05/30 23:13
h45279802 :身為一名射手 在必要的時候搶籃板也是很重要的 05/30 23:15
Paraguay:轉錄至看板 LeBronJames 05/30 23:15
Paraguay :什麼準備放假 早就放不知道多久了XDDD 05/30 23:16
qwaszx6813 :而且他防守不賴...很會判斷抄球路徑 05/30 23:22
coolalpha :又帥又準又拼 05/30 23:23
Kulan :MM好歹也拿過新人王 全盛時期也是全能型的球路 05/30 23:24
ksk0516 :記得當年他去巫師穿LBJ鞋,被Stevenson嗆 05/30 23:26
Non :不過他剪短頭髮真的是帥多了 05/30 23:29
Non :我說之前 05/30 23:29
KEDEN :怎麼記得他好像拿過最佳第六人@@ 05/30 23:29
louis152334 :新人王吧 我記得他拿過這個 05/30 23:32
zxcv3147 :最近的造型有點頹廢 05/30 23:36
l6k5j4 :MM搶籃板很拚 05/30 23:44
whoolan :好文 05/30 23:45
MAGICMCGRADY:他跟梯妹很好 05/30 23:53
lovemanu20 :Six man! 05/31 00:05
ttocs :恍神一看很像李奧 05/31 00:07
akakbest :有沒有名字叫做Miller的 幾乎都是以三分球著名的八卦 05/31 00:17
TheFaith :本來是白Lebron,現在快變成一個純射手了 05/31 00:18
TheFaith :真想念以前他那還具有點破壞力的切入,傳球還有防守 05/31 00:19
Fireis556 :籃板一哥.. 05/31 00:36
k62300 :又不棒球比賽,那麼多投手 05/31 00:45
namon :MM在灰熊時就很有名了 05/31 01:08
Kulan :當初魔術交易掉MM T-Mac超怒的 05/31 01:30
hssz :以白人而言,MM的防守算強了,補防和籃板更是強項 05/31 01:36
stu872124553:灰熊時期是nba前幾大射手 05/31 01:37
Leonala :我玩2K11 用他比ALLEN還準 05/31 02:05

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