作者: nagisanoff (MFFL!) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Nets Must Acquire DH12 To Keep D-Will
時間: Wed May 30 23:55:21 2012

If the Nets win the lottery to select Anthony Davis, it will not be enough to
sign Deron Williams as a free agent, according to sources.

"It's Dwight Howard or bust," said a league source who has spoken to Williams.

Williams doesn't want to wait for Davis to develop and won't re-sign with the
team unless they become an instant contender.

The Nets believe they will be able to retain Brook Lopez in a potential trade
with the Magic if they win the lottery.

Sources say
Howard regrets opting into his contract and seeks a trade before
the 12-13 season. But the Nets become a far less appealing destination if
Williams leaves and that is why Howard's camp is putting pressure on the
Magic to do a deal once a general manager is in place.

Via Adrian Wojnarowski/Yahoo! Sports

有消息說就算籃網明天早上抽到樂透大獎 狀元籤

也不足夠保住Deron Williams

小胖只要魔獸 (如果籃網有狀元籤將會是很好的交易籌碼)


還有個消息則是魔獸後悔自己沒有跳出合約了 ..........



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◆ From:
cola1230 :保不住也不會去小牛 05/30 23:56
TiangLei :老基明年還會是小牛主控放心 05/30 23:57
TiangLei :老基的價值 仵酸是不會懂低~ 05/30 23:57
qhaabk :忠誠獸啊忠誠獸 我跳我跳我跳跳跳 05/30 23:58
louis152334 :蝶龍會去哪呢@@ 05/30 23:58
Mafty :魔獸人生又要上演了嗎XD 05/31 00:00
tealee :魔術銃他康也不無可能 05/31 00:01
LBJ23 :交易過去 不簽延長合約 繼續魔獸人生 05/31 00:02
LBJ23 :籃網拿狀元籤換到空氣 05/31 00:02
nagisanoff :Just wait and see 05/31 00:02
pounil :DW+DH!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/31 00:02
han224 :低位: 忠誠? 哈哈哈... 05/31 00:02
gadoma :忠誠獸到底在幹嘛 05/31 00:04
sixersai :腦袋有洞是不是...如果跳出合約現在早就可以走人了 05/31 00:06
kit279 :好啦 小胖+魔獸一起打包去小牛,新•三巨頭 05/31 00:07
cosada :抽個第四順位吧 05/31 00:09
littlepigin :小胖離開阿爵後成績有比在阿爵時好嗎? 05/31 00:14
CW4 :椎間獸忠於自我 05/31 00:27
andrewyllee :這什麼龜毛獸 煩死了XD 05/31 00:27
TheFaith :小胖這季明顯不想打阿,超懶的 05/31 00:32
TheFaith :強招都沒用,只想投大號三分省力,不想受傷吧 05/31 00:33
while789 :魔獸人生季後賽結束後即將開拍續集= = 05/31 00:33
TheFaith :不然純論天賦身材體能小胖可能真的是天下第一 05/31 00:34
Maxwell5566 : 控肉? 05/31 00:35
lovecmgirls :純噓魔獸..究竟要怎樣? 05/31 00:36
whoolan :小胖天下第一? 想笑掉別人大牙? 05/31 00:45
y1027330 :借轉魔術板 05/31 01:04
y1027330:轉錄至看板 Orl-Magic 05/31 01:05
callmedance :龜毛獸XD 05/31 01:06
leo255112 :某迷愛酸人家合體,一有機會其實也哈得要死 顆顆 05/31 01:14
WAYNE1989 :小胖哪根蔥 交易他另外找明星吧 反正有他也不能飛天 05/31 01:22
SRNOB :小胖喔 看破手腳了啦 有他在都會變no good team 05/31 01:38

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