作者: kira925 (藍色飛舞之劍) 看板: StarCraft
標題: [新聞] KeSPA 選手參加 MLG 的名單
時間: Fri May 25 10:14:59 2012


八位 KeSPA 的職業選手將會參加 MLG 的SC2:自由之翼項目

Major League Gaming (MLG), in cooperation with Blizzard Entertainment,
International ESports Group (IEG), and the Korean eSports Association (KeSPA)
is excited to announce the eight KeSPA players who will be attending the MLG
Spring Championship in Anaheim from June 8-10 and participating in their
first-ever StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty tournament in the United States.

The players were selected based on their outstanding performance and history
in the prestigious KeSPA ProLeague and StarLeague. They represent seven of
the eight KeSPA teams and include:



隊伍 選手 種族

Woogjin Soulkey Z
STX Calm Z
Samsung Stork P
KT Flash T
CJ Leta T
SKT Bisu P
SKT Fantasy T
8th Team Jaedong Z

Players will be participating in the expo tournament beginning Saturday, June
9 at 9pm PT and continuing until approximately midnight. The competition will
take place on the Main Stage and will be broadcast LIVE at

在6/9 MLG主場地直播

In addition to the gameplay, the players will also participate in autograph
sessions throughout the weekend. Spectator passes are available online, and
fans not attending in person can upgrade to watch the expo match and the
entire Spring Championship in HD, and also get access to additional StarCraft
II streams and immediate HD VOD, by purchasing a pass here.

現場還有簽名活動 以及MLG現正發售線上門票....

The Spring Championship, taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center in
Anaheim, CA, is expected to be the largest Pro Circuit competition in the
history of MLG. For more details about the event visit the event page.

MLG 在 Anaheim Convertion Center 舉辦....

其實沒什麼內容,就是 KeSPA 讓那些選手去打 MLG 的表演賽

教主 老爺 范太子 彩筆東 蘇永康 石頭 ...等人

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
jaing7659:SC1感覺要收掉了...~.~" 05/25 10:16
eminemqoo:Kespa的做法是已經要收了啊 05/25 10:18
GUYDA:比菜大會3.... 05/25 10:18
frizentom:要看彩筆東被當菜虐了QwQ 05/25 10:19
saba1414:無聊...根本是SC1最強八大天王被虐成馬 的表演 05/25 10:21
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (05/25 10:22)
eminemqoo:表演賽 考量到競技水準的話應該是要讓這8位互打 05/25 10:25
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (05/25 10:29)
JFNfrog:解凍要被虐翻了 05/25 10:29
JFNfrog:CJ不派虎狼派如花 05/25 10:30
※ 編輯: kira925 來自: (05/25 10:30)
bullock:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/25 10:31
walter741225:我不忍看 05/25 10:33
momogo11:派IDRA去打好了 可能有機會贏 05/25 10:36
momogo11:排 05/25 10:36
JFNfrog:IDRA可能等這刻很久了XD(不過應該會對如花好一點) 05/25 10:53
yogoyogo2006:時間太短了吧 至少也練個半年@@ 05/25 10:55
frizentom:米國就派爪爪 硬康錯去打(疑 05/25 10:56
strike519:期待 05/25 11:26
rogger:真的是不忍心看阿 05/25 11:27
aCCQ:大牌盡出阿!! 05/25 11:34
kullan:idra:幾年前我在台下看你們表演 現在換我show了 05/25 11:39
kullan:不過Calm加油啊! 05/25 11:39
stanwhale:揪竟是毀滅星際2還是被星際2毀滅呢 05/25 11:49
JFNfrog:有idra了話不知道當天會不會穿cj隊服 05/25 11:52
shoe:看Bisu的訪問應該是讓這8位打單淘汰的表演賽 05/25 12:00
shoe:MLG正賽的時間是6/8~6/10,表演賽的時間是6/9晚上9點 05/25 12:02
shoe:Kespa應該也不會笨到讓他的明星出去被虐XD 05/25 12:02
jamescyt:KESPA八人互打BO3單淘汰到底的表演賽 05/25 12:12
puput:現在談誰毀滅誰還太早 不過 要追上來 也真的有點難度 05/25 12:24
shoe:反正現在先上手,等蟲心出就重新起跑了 05/25 12:25
cloudstr:這八個打出的冠軍 可能還打輸MLG第一輪就被淘汰的 05/25 12:49
guess33434:看到大牌被謔真爽 05/25 12:50
guess33434:八個先來TESL練練 05/25 12:51
saba1414:我覺得現在這八個來來TESL勝率也只有五五波 XDDD 05/25 12:53
Aggro:你確定這八個打的過TesL嗎... 05/25 12:54
shoe:光Soulkey就宗師蟲族了好唄... 05/25 12:55

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