Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/26/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
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chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 商業周刊 - 最新文章 for 10/26/2011
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Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

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Posts from 中時電子報-即時新聞 for 10/24/2011
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Follow on Twitter Friend of Facebook
Experience the Generitech Difference

New solutions & updates

We hope you're having fun in the sun this summer! The Generitech team is excited to announce several powerful new solutions and a few updates to existing products, all available in June! Thanks to our loyal newsletter subscribers for experiencing the difference, month after month.

Introducing all-new Synergy

Our brand-new Synergy products will help you streamline your company's communications and take your brand to the next level. Can't keep track of your company's messaging and support streams? Synergy is for you. We have a number of affordable products within the Synergy line, depending on your communication volume.

A note from our President

Generitech is 100% committed to creating tools and solutions that improve the way you do business. We want to hear from loyal customers like you. Follow us on Twitter at @generitech and let us know what you think about our products and around-the-clock support. Your feedback makes us better.

— Gary Terry

Upcoming Events

Introducing Synergy!
8am, Generitech HQ

Generitech Leadership Summit
10am, AGCC

Advanced Tools Expo
3pm, AGCC
Copyright © 2011 atmtrigger, All rights reserved.
嗨!歡迎你加入~just come here
Our mailing address is:
chiayi rd
Chiayi, Cyi 600

Add us to your address book

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<a href="*http%3A//" rel="nofollow ugc noreferrer noopener">那瑪夏水蜜桃 陳菊喊讚 (中央社)</a>


那瑪夏水蜜桃 陳菊喊讚 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 10:29 am

100年高雄市那瑪夏區第1屆春之頌活動記者會31日在四維行政中心廣場舉行,高雄市長陳菊(左 3)品嚐當地特產水蜜桃,直呼「讚」。中央社記者董俊志攝 100年3月31日

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<a href="*http%3A//" rel="nofollow ugc noreferrer noopener">火燒派出所!監錄系統機房毀 警緊繃 (TVBS)</a>


火燒派出所!監錄系統機房毀 警緊繃 (TVBS)
31 Mar 2011, 10:49 am





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<a href="*http%3A//" rel="nofollow ugc noreferrer noopener">陳菊嚐那瑪夏美食 (中央社)</a>


陳菊嚐那瑪夏美食 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 10:29 am

100年高雄市那瑪夏區第1屆春之頌活動記者會31日在四維行政中心廣場舉行,高雄市長陳菊(前右)品嚐當地美食,直呼「好吃」。中央社記者董俊志攝 100年3月31日

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<a href="*http%3A//" rel="nofollow ugc noreferrer noopener">員工被指插股 中市:檢調會查 (中央社)</a>


員工被指插股 中市:檢調會查 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 10:56 am






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<a href="*http%3A//" rel="nofollow ugc noreferrer noopener">老人搭捷運明起半價 基隆嬤帶亡友照遊淡水 (教育廣播)</a>


老人搭捷運明起半價 基隆嬤帶亡友照遊淡水 (教育廣播)
31 Mar 2011, 11:07 am





劉清芳說,捷運屬於地方管轄的大眾運輸工具,相關優待票價的差額補貼,要由地方政府自籌經費因應,但是以往,部分縣市政府礙於財政困難,無法辦理優惠措施,現在,捷運半價優惠從4月實施,設籍在北高縣市以外的老人及身心障礙者,可以攜帶身分證明文件到各個捷運站的服務窗口,以人工售票的方式購買半票。(2011-03-31 17:40:06 陳國維)

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